Choco Besos Santa Elena
The category known as “Besos de Negra” was forced to withdraw that name from its packaging since Nestlé registered as a product name what was previously the name of an entire category. In addition, the name began to be considered offensive and racist.
To resolve this situation, the Santa Elena Bakery presented the name Choco Besos to the SIC
(entity in charge of granting trademark registrations in Colombia), which was accepted and later declared on its packaging. The results of this name change in its packaging were not as expected and that is why in 2021 they asked us for a diagnosis and recommendation to help them find a solution.
How to overcome the negative connotations that arise from the use of images of black women and reintegrate Choco Besos within the iconography that has always characterized the category?
We focus on illustration, finding in the celebrations of Las Fiestas de San Jacinto – Bolívar, the richness, color and joy to give another spirit to black women, and of course, the brand.
We kept the trapezoid design of the packaging and created a series of illustrations of women with different attitudes and outfits, achieving a very successful brand block at the point of sale.
This is how we resolved the challenge and the new Choco Besos line exceeded expectations in terms of recognition, perception and sales.